Natural Remedies of Menstrual Cramp - Dysmenorrhea - Top Natural Healthcare

Natural Remedies of Menstrual Cramp - Dysmenorrhea

Menstrual cramp or painful periods is quite a common symptom seen in women. In medical terms, it is called dysmenorrhea.
Natural Remedies of Menstrual Cramp - Dysmenorrhea
Monthly menstrual periods are a normal part of a woman’s life. Major fluctuations in hormone levels precede a menstrual period, and it is normal to feel minor discomfort before and during menstruation. However, many women experience severe symptoms or painful menstruation. Painful menstruation, or dysmenorrhea, is more common in young women in their teens and twenties than in older women, and it can be secondary to an underlying condition such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, or premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Pain due to menstrual cramps are often caused because of cramping in the uterus muscles as it is shedding the inner lining, the endometrium. The uterus muscles are used to help release the lining.
Poor blood flow to the uterus. Stress, lack of exercise, and excess caffeine use can also cause menstrual discomfort and PMS.  Hormonal imbalance in females normally causes menstrual pain.

Symptoms of menstrual cramp include:

  • ·        Lower abdominal cramping,
  • ·        a dull ache that often radiates to the lower back,
  • ·        heavy menstrual flow with or without clots,
  • ·        headaches,  migraine
  • ·        Constipation or diarrhea  
  • ·        frequent urination, and
  • ·        Mood changes including anxiety or depression.
  • ·        Fatigue and weakness

Natural way to Treat Menstrual Cramp / Dysmenorrhea-

Diet is Key

Diet before, during, and after menstruation can have a direct bearing on the duration and severity of menstrual symptoms. I recommend a balanced diet rich in green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and moderate to small amounts of organic animal protein to complete all required minerals and vitamins required. Eating high fiber foods fruits, vegetable, whole grains, legumes, beans, nuts, and seeds allows the body to eliminate the estrogens and progesterone before they have time to be reabsorbed. You can only get fiber from foods that come from plants. Foods that come from animals don’t contain any fiber. you can create 4 to 6 servings of vegetables each day, you can affect your menstrual cycle for the good.
Avoid alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, and vinegar around the time of your menstrual period, as should saturated fats, sugar, raw fruits (except berries), salt, and dairy products. Animal proteins should be eaten in moderation.

Do Some Light Exercise -  

Exercise may help solve your pain problem. Aerobic exercise provides natural pain relief. “The increased blood flow and the endorphins help counteract the prostaglandins and reduce cramping.”   Some even compare these endorphins to natural morphine. Exercise can seem impossible when you’re feeling a great deal of pain, therefore suggests low impact activities like walking or yoga, which “are still great for helping fight menstrual pain and are easier to do when you are feeling unwell.

Drink Enough Liquid

Keeping hydrated with lots of water is a good place to start. “Water actually prevents the body from retaining water, and it also prevents bloating.  She suggests warm or hot water, known to increase blood flow to the skin and help in relaxing cramped muscles. Increasing your consumption of foods with high water content, like cucumbers, celery, and berries.
*8 Amazing Benefits of Water consumption

Turn Up the Heat- 

Menstrual cramps are due to contracting muscles makes this tip a no-brainer- apply heat. “A heating pad is a woman’s best friend when it comes to menstrual cramps,” says Physician. “Heat opens blood vessels and improves blood flow and dissipates the pain.” But if regular heat packs and bathtub soaks don’t help, castor oil packs. “These are a great way to detox the liver, often associated with menstrual cramps,” though this isn’t an immediate reliever, but rather a long-term solution. You’ll need to apply them a few times the week before your period. To do so, apply castor oil to the belly and top with a piece of wool cloth, followed by a plastic wrap and a hot pack wrapped in a towel. Rest for 20-40 minutes before removing. The warmth that can ease discomfort and be tightening in the muscles.
Natural Remedies of Menstrual Cramp - Dysmenorrhea


Magnesium supplementation to reduce muscle contraction and reduce pain. Magnesium supplementation is very successful when one capsule in the morning and one capsule in the evening are taken. I suggest eating foods that are high magnesium. Start eating the food and eating the supplementation about two weeks before the start of your menstrual cycle. Here are some examples of foods that are high in magnesium: Swiss chard, spinach, summer squash, pumpkin seeds, broccoli and other green leafy vegetables.

Reducing Stress

watch your stress level. Finding ways to de-stress like exercise, deep breathing, soaking in a hot Epsom salt bath, yoga, taking a walk with your family or friends, are all ways to improve your menstrual cycle as well.

Essential Fatty Acid – Omega 3:

 When we do not have an adequate supply of essential fatty acids, our stress management system, and our menstrual system compete for the essential fatty acids that are available. Our stress management system will win every time, leaving our menstrual system off balance. When the female hormones are off balance, we can experience pain and cramping, among other PMS symptoms.
When we eat foods high in essential fatty acids then we have an adequate supply of both our stress management system and our female hormonal system. Examples of foods that are high in essential fatty acids are salmon, scallops, sardines, avocados, legumes (phytoestrogen act like weak estrogens), flaxseeds, walnuts, cauliflower and cabbage.

Sleep Tight

Getting enough sleep is crucial to one’s health. But, believe us when we say that it pays to be especially diligent during PMS-prone times. Interruptions in your regular sleep rhythms can interfere with your regular cycle and result in even more irritability, fatigue, and stomach cramping.Perhaps even more than sleep, relaxation, in general, can play a role in pain relief.Avoid Being overtired- rest and sleep are very important for proper organ function. Get at least eight hours of sleep a night.Eat and clean and natural plant-based food more.  Our cycles are intricately tied to how we live our life. The better we treat ourselves, the more our menstrual cycles will improve as well.

Herbal home remedies for Menstrual cramp:

1-Unripe Banana baked in water, skin is peeled off, and the pulp is made into a paste, to be mixed with milk and to be consumed.  To be repeated whenever there is a pain.

2-Cassava (Manihot esculenta) – its powder is mixed with water and is administered for quick pain relief.

3-Root powder of asparagus mixed with caraway (Cuminum syminum) + sugar and given for quick pain relief.

4-Traditional antispasmodic herbs also include chamomile, fennel, and peppermint.

5-Chamomile tea and valerian tea can help relax the muscles and reduce pain. Chaste tree and black cohosh can also reduce pain.

6-Red raspberry tea helps to strengthen the uterine tissue. Cramp bark, black cohosh, and Jamaican dogwood can be used to relieve pain and cramping. 

Also, Read- Symptoms of Menstrual Cycle