A recurrent throbbing headache, often on one side of the head, frequently accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines may include marked by visual disturbances (flashes, splotches, zigzags, or shimmering colored lights surrounding a blind spot).
A migraine is a neurobiological disorder involving both neurological and vascular changes in the brain during an attack- says, Doctors.Migraine attacks can cause significant pain for hours to days and can be so severe that the pain is disabling.
If you're prone to migraines, certain stimuli may bring them on. Track your headaches on a calendar to look for patterns and potential catalysts such as the following.
Dropping Estrogen Levels:
Before menstruating, women have a steep decline in estrogen that appears to spark migraines," says Gynecologist. Low-dose estrogen contraceptives may help.
Limit Alcohol:
If you get a "hangover" after one drink, you may actually be experiencing a migraine. Avoid alcohol that gives you a headache within 8 hours of consumption. "The good news is that this cause tends to be very specific," Dr. says. "People may do fine with vodka rather than beer, for instance."Missed Meals:
Fluctuations in blood sugar can cause a cascade of escalating pain that sets up your migraine response, so don't go longer than 3 hours without food. Include a lean protein whenever you eat to help keep glucose levels steady, Dr. Broner says.Caffeine:
If you regularly consume large amounts of caffeine, you set yourself up for withdrawal headaches, which can stimulate your brain's migraine center and turn into migraines. Limit intake to 200 mg a day—that's roughly one 8-ounce cup of coffee.Sleep Disruptions:
Sleep is a most inevitable function to our body. Sleep may delight, rejuvenate, overwhelm, relax your body and reduce stress. A study found that sleep-deprived rats experienced changes in key migraine-related proteins. Play it safe by being consistent about when you go to bed and get up.NATURAL REMEDIES OF A MIGRAINE HEADACHE TREATMENT
Ice Packs:
In a recent study, patients who took 400 mg of riboflavin (vitamin B2) daily experienced significantly fewer migraines after 3 months. CoQ10, another supplement, also proved effective in preventing migraines in a clinical study.Relaxation Techniques:
Massage can ease neck and shoulder spasms, while tai chi increases body awareness, making it easier to detect and treat an oncoming headache. Yoga that focuses on mindfulness, such as Hatha and restorative yoga, may also help.Herbs:
New recommendations from the American Academy of Neurology confirm that the herb butterbur can prevent migraines, possibly because it supports healthy blood flow to the brain. Dry-leaf capsules of feverfew may also reduce the frequency of migraines, though the clinical evidence is still inconclusive.Acupuncture:
Several studies have found that it provides some of the same long-term results as drugs but without side effects. While this efficacy may be partly caused by the placebo effect, the treatment can still provide real relief.Omega 3 Fatty in Flax Seeds:
Some Migraine-Headache caused by inflammation may be reduced by consuming omega-3 fatty acids. Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids ( Flaxseed is rich in them) may help provide relief in Headache. Flax Seeds can be used as a home remedy in several forms, including as an oil and as ground or whole seeds. Other rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fishes.
Cherries contain the active compound Quercetin, which is a powerful antioxidant has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Users report that eating cherries or drinking cherry juice helps tremendously with headache pain.Water:
Some time migraine headaches can be a sign of dehydration and be drinking a tall glass of water is helping
a lot to stop a headache in its tracks. Staying hydrated is also a good way to prevent headaches from occurring in the first place.