25 Amazing Health benefits of chyawanprash - Top Natural Healthcare

25 Amazing Health benefits of chyawanprash

Chyawanprash is used from very old times in Ayurveda for its amazing health benefits. It is a delicious nutritive herb-based health supplement that has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years, offering a wide range of health benefits. It is sticky and has a brownish-black color.  Chyawanprash is one of the anti-aging supplements, which is purely herbal in nature. Amla is the main ingredient in chyawanprash recipe, which is a powerful antioxidant.  Acharya Charaka is the first to mention this herbal medicine. Nowadays many ayurvedic companies, like Dabur, and, Patanjali makes different chyawanprash. All kids and adults can get health benefits of chyawanprash by eating regularly.

Chyawanprash Ingredients:

Chyawanprash is used from ancient times for its healing properties so its ingredient formula is several years old. Many top brands like Himalaya, Zandu, Dabur chyawanprash, and Patanjali are known for making Chyawanprash in India. Dabur chyawanprash is an especially famous and old brand of chyawanprash. There is a long list of ingredients used in chyawanprash. The main ingredients present in chyawanprash recipe are-
White sandalwood
Honey/ Sugar
Sesame oil
Flax Seed
Most of the chyanwanprash herbs are commonly found in Himalaya and other parts of India. The exact number and amount of the ingredients in chyawanprash, may vary from one brand to another brand.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Chyawanprash.

Nowadays chyawanprash is most prescribed medicine in ayurved over the world for its its top health benefits. Here is a list of amazing health benefits of chyawanprash in details.

1. It provides Energy

Due to workload, multitasking requirement and stress, many people feel a lack of energy in doing things, including completing daily works. Chyawanprash contains plenty of herbal ingredients that provide your energy to carry on and complete daily chores without feeling tired and fatigued.

2. Chyawanprash improve Digestion

Chyawanprash helps to improve bowel movements and digestion of foods. The cinnamon and amla present in it have carminative effects and help prevent gases in the stomach from undigested food. It also helps prevent constipation, a condition affecting a major part of a human population. Chyawanprash supports the regular elimination of stool and improves healthy blood glucose and cholesterol levels when they are already in a normal range supporting a proper metabolism. It acts like as a laxative ingredient, which expels the stool and improves bowel movement

3.Prevents Seasonal Infections

Chyanwanprash saves people to fall prey to infections and fevers during the months of winter and monsoon when the weather changes drastically and increase virus and infections. Taking chyawanprash helps your body in fighting such viral and bacterial infections. The main ingredient of Chyawanprash is amla- Indian gooseberry, so it carries all the benefits that vitamin C provides in the body. Taking Chyavanaprasam daily improve the immune system of the body and helps to reduce the frequency of occurrence of recurrent colds and other infections.

4. Fight Respiratory Issues

The herbs present in the formulation of chyawanprash can help people suffering from long-term and chronic respiratory ailments. It helps to lung functioning to work well.

5. Keep Skin glowing & Healthy

Applying beauty products externally on the skin is not enough to look youthful and attractive and in the long run, maybe harmful also. Chyawanprash is very rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients and vitamin C. It contains many herbs who makes skin healthy and stop sign of aging including amla that has vitamin C in good amounts.Saffron present in Chyawanprash aid in improving your complexion. Daily intake of Chyawanprash decreases the risk of dry skin and provides a glowing and clearer skin. 

6. Good for Reproductive System

Experts say as Chyawanprash was originally formulated to restore virility to the elderly sage. Chyawanprash was formulated with the intention of nourishing and revitalizing the reproductive tissues. It was used to replenish the reproductive system and prevent the loss of vital energies in times of sexual activity. In general, chyawanprash supports fertility, healthy libido, and builds overall sexual strength in both men and women.

7. Chyawanprash aids In Purifying Blood

People who lead a hectic life, get less sleep or gorge on junk foods frequently get excess toxins in their body. These toxins, when stored in the body, lead to the onset of several complications and ailments. They also hamper natural blood purification process in your body. Eating chyawanprash helps in purifying the blood and eliminates those excess toxic elements from the body.

8. Improves Sexual Power

While this is not well known, eating chyawanprash can help boost sexual powers and help cope with sexual problems better way. The herbs present in this formulation help keep menstruation cycle in shape and regulate the menstrual cycle.

9. Assist In Coping with Stress

The herbs present chyawanprash have a calming effect on your nervous system. So it helps you cope better with stress. Eating chyawanprash aid in boosting brain functions and sharpening memory too. Kids can also get the benefit by eating chyawanprash regularly and it helps them to better focus on their studies and concentrate on other activities.

10. Chyawanprash  helps in Weight Loss

Normally an overweight person or kids fails to shed excess weight because their metabolism is not at an optimal level. Eating chyawanprash recipe helps in increasing metabolism and thus aids in losing weight.

11. Chyawanprash boost Heart Health

Eating chyawanprash regularly can benefit heart health, say Ayurveda experts as one of its best health benefits. Chyawanprash provides the strength to the heart muscles and improves the pumping capacity of the heart. It also controls the increased heartbeat and reduces harmful fat for a heart.

12.Reduce Cholesterol

Chyawanprash intake regularly can help lower the high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Phytonutrients found in it, help to lower the cholesterol level. Herb Saponins present in Chyavanaprasam blocks the absorption of cholesterol in the body. 

13. Improve Nails And Hair Health

Eating this Jam help improve the health of your hair and nails. The antioxidants present in chyawanprash help slow down premature hair graying and prevent brittle nails.

14. Helps Combat Cold And Cough

Chyawanprash has vitamin C and other ingredients that help your body stay away from virus and bacteria that lead to cold and cough infections.

15. Improve immunity

It improves the immunity and boosts the healing process of the body. Strengthens the immune system increases the body resistance. People, who are more prone to various common infections, can enhance their immunity using Chyawanprash regularly.

16. Beneficial for brain health

Chyawanprash improves blood circulation in the body by which brain gets the good supply of the oxygen to it. So the brain capabilities boost up for its many benefits in memory loss, insomnia, Alzheimer’s disease, brain degeneration diseases and neurological diseases.

Other amazing Health Benefits of Chyawanprash

17. Chyawanprash promotes calcium absorption in the body that makes bones healthy in body.
18. Chyawanprash contains a low amount of proteins in it but it increases protein synthesis in the body. 
19. It enhances fertility and helps in regulating the menstrual cycle in women. Normalizes menstruation, reduces premenstrual syndrome and relieves pain below the abdomen area.
20. In pregnant women, it increases hemoglobin level and fulfills the requirement of other nutrients.
21. Chyawanprash contains various herbs that work in asthma treatment so it can be considered an ayurvedic medicine for patients with asthma.
22.It contains amla/Indian gooseberry as the main ingredient in jam, so it is also beneficial in heartburn and ulcers infection.
23. Chyawanprash is used in pulmonary tuberculosis.
24. Chyawanprash is used for treating gout.
25. Chyawanprash also normalizes blood pressure.

Use cautions of dosage of chyawanprash

While eating chyawanprash will boost immunity and offer you plenty of health benefits, any dose of chyawanprash is not advisable for diabetic patients by doctors (though you can find sugar-free variants of chyawanprash for such people nowadays). Chyawanprash contains ghee, but as long as you take it in the recommended dosage, that should not lead to any health problem.

1- Adaptogenic properties- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10404532?dopt=Abstract
2- Chyawanprash Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chyawanprash
3-Protect against oxidative stress- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14750202?dopt=Abstract
4-Pole Sebastian, Ayurvedic Medicine
5-Rasayana: The fountain of Life - https://books.google.ae/books?id=xqIVCgAAQBAJ&pg=PT217&redir_esc=y


  1. Nice blog. To boost immunity herbal chyawanprash is the best option. It helps to fight against infections, allergies and support strong immune system.

    1. Yes chyawanprash is very old and gold medicine for amazing health benefits
