15 top home remedies for ringworm treatment List are here-
Ringworm will respond well to these home remedies treatments.1- Mustard Seed Paste
A mustard seed effective home remedy of ringworm treatment. Mustard seeds help to reduce redness, inflammation, and itchiness caused by the ringworm infection. Applying a mustard seed paste to the affected area can help reduce itching which is important in preventing the spread of ringworm. Using mustard seeds will help relieve you of the itchiness associated with ringworm thus effect of ringworm too.
Garlic has great antifungal properties. You must grind garlic and then mix olive oil and honey into this ground garlic for preparing home remedies of ringworm treatment and apply it to the affected area. Leave the paste until it dries. Now wash with water and repeat this process two to three times a day. It will clear ringworm very fast. (R)
3. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has strong antifungal, antibacterial properties, so it helps to treat ringworm when applied to the affected area of ringworm. Soak a cotton ball in undiluted apple cider vinegar and brush the cotton ball over your skin. Do this 3/4 times per day for ringworm cure. (R)
4- Neem is good for Ringworm treatment
Neem is an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial herb used in Ayurveda to treat various skin infections from ancient times. For your ringworm treatment, make a paste of neem leaves or you can easily find neem leaf powder or neem oil in the store that can cure even the stubborn ringworm infections.
5. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is an extremely effective home remedy for treating fungal skin infections. Tea tree oil has anti-fungal and antiseptic properties that keep bodywork infection away. First, clean the affected area with an antiseptic soap and dry that area. Apply tea tree oil 3 to 4 drops directly to the affected area 2/3 times per day with a cotton ball or swab.(R)
6. Coconut oil for ringworm treatment
Coconut oil has both microbial and antifungal properties that can help treat ringworm infections. Coconut oil is an extremely effective home remedy for ringworm infections. Because it’s easy to apply to the scalp, coconut oil could be an ideal treatment for scalp ringworm.
To use it, lukewarm the coconut oil then apply it directly to the affected area. It will absorb into the skin quickly. Apply it at least three times daily for permanent cure of ringworm. (R)
7. Turmeric
Turmeric has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that help against many ailments. It’s also an effective antifungal that inhibits the growth of ringworm. Combine fresh-ground turmeric with a small amount of water and mix until it becomes a paste. Apply it to your skin and leave it on until it dries. You can also drink turmeric water or turmeric tea daily to get the internal benefits.
8- Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a powerful herb for all kinds of skin problems. You must take and cut an aloe vera leaf and then remove the gel. Apply this gel directly to the affected area. Let this gel wash for at least 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with water. You can repeat this process 2 to 3 times in a day to get quick braking of ringworm infection.
9- Oregano oil
Oregano essential oil may be a more powerful antifungal than other commercial products that are available and can inhibit and treat fungal skin infections and ringworm.
Oregano oil is an extract that you can purchase online or at stores. Mix a few drops of oregano oil with other oils like olive or coconut oil, and apply on affected area 3/4 times per day.
10- Myrrh and goldenseal
Myrrh is another good antifungal treatment. You can make a paste from it by mixing equal components of myrrh and goldenseal. Add a few drops of water to this mixture and mix it well. Apply this mixture on your ringworm. Do this 3 times daily. Myrrh is a great antifungal treatment. Create a paste by mixing equal components of myrrh and goldenseal with a small amount of water, and use it 3 times daily for ringworm treatment.
11. Licorice Powder
Licorice has strong antimicrobial properties, and research has found that the extracts of licorice could be used as an alternative treatment for fungal infections. Mix 7 teaspoons of powdered licorice with a cup of water and bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for few minutes. Stir until it makes a paste. When the mixture is cool enough to touch, apply the paste to the affected area of ringworm 2/3 daily.
12- Raw Papaya
Raw papaya can destroy old dead cells from the outer layers of your skin, the place where ringworm fungi dwell and grow. Your young skin cells are left unharmed. This may be due to many enzymes found in papaya, especially papain and chymopapain. These enzymes destroy the defense shields of viruses, yeasts, and various types of fungus. Thus papaya may prove to be a soothing remedy for your ringworm infection.
13- Grapefruit Seed Extract for Ringworm treatment
Grapefruit Seed Extract or GSE is derived from the seeds, pulp and white membranes of grapefruit and is a fine antioxidant, antiviral and antibacterial agent. You can take grapefruit seed extract internally to boost your immune system as ringworm or any other infection indicates a compromised immune system. Alternatively, you may also topically apply GSE on your rashes to get it treated. You can either use undiluted GSE and apply it directly to your skin or dilute it with water if you have sensitive skin.
14- Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf has been used medicinally since ages as its excellent therapeutic properties. Apart from many other health benefits of olive leaf, researchers show that olive leaf extract may have such anti-viral properties that can selectively block an entire virus-specific system in an infected host. Not only does olive leaf extract has antifungal properties, it also can be taken internally with food to get helps to boost your immune system. (R)
15- Camphor for
Camphor, the white, transparent solid pieces derived from the bark and wood of camphor tree. It has been used medicinally in traditional Chinese medicine as well as Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicine for treating fungal infections and also to repel insects. Its anti-fungal properties make camphor one of the top home remedies for ringworm treatment.
To prevent further ringworm infection in your body without home remedies. You need to maintain good hygiene in your daily life and Avoid physical contact with someone who has ringworm infection. Prevention is always better than cure.