It is practically impossible to imagine life without electronic devices today,s life and even spending an hour without feeling electronic devices. While no one can deny the fact that electronic devices have done their part in improving the quality of life of the 21st-century humans. Electronic devices are becoming more widely used particularly by young people but little consideration is normally given to the health risks they pose. Most of you don,t know that Cell Phone Radiation has been termed as a Class B carcinogen. Electronic gadgets have been linked with infinite overall health issues like infertility, impaired immune system, and retardation of brain development of a fetus, genetic damage, DNA alteration and much more. (R)
Abiding by the safety guidelines issued by the government or even the manufacturing company of the device is perhaps the least that you can do to keep yourself safe. As an attempt to further the cause of those who wish to cater to the better of their health, here are a few facts of pure enlightenment that would reveal the harmful side of the electronic devices.
This is one of the first issues that are caused by exposure to certain electronic devices. Staring into TV screens, or laptops or even the large screen mobile phones for more than a couple of hours can cause dryness of the eyes, itchiness, dark circles and much more. Melanoma of the eyes is one of the more severe conditions that have been linked with excessive exposure to electronic devices.
Electronic devices make us a couch potato once we have a gadget in hand. Playing a game or fiddling with a gadget makes you hungry and unknowingly you begin to binge on food without moving from the couch, thus adding to the pounds of weight and making us obese. Obesity linked to diabetes, indigestion, blood pressure and even heart attack as these all problems are linked to less physical activity and one of the main causes of electronic gadget addiction.
The temper outbursts of children with DMDD are similar to the temper tantrums commonly seen in children younger than 6 years, but much more severe in duration and intensity. It was earlier referred to as childhood bipolar disorder because of its parallel with this psychological disorder occurring in older adults. About 2-5 percent of children are estimated to be having this condition.
Brain scans have revealed grey matter atrophy (brain degeneration) resulting from gaming and Internet addiction to occur in the frontal lobe of the brain. It is interesting to note that this is the area of the brain that governs planning and impulse control. Could this be just a coincidence again?
One of the effects of the use of electronic devices for long on your health is multiple back pains. As you are constantly engaged in the electronic device in a sitting up posture, it affects your back. Don,t use electronic devices for more than one hour in one time sitting for back care, have 5 minutes walk between electronic device use.
The effects of electronic gadgets can even have a bad impact on social relationships. This is one of the most common gadget addiction problems, in every household. Children, do not have the time to sit with their parents and to spend some good quality time with them. They prefer to connect with their friends and relatives, in the virtual world, through text messaging, chatting, rather than meeting them.
Even Children start playing with mobile gadgets, Play station, X-box and all in place of going out and play.
Read Here- 28 Amazing Healthcare gadgets
Here is a list of 12 Negative effects of electronics devices on health.
1-Harmful effects on Eyesight
2-Retarding Brain Health
If you have been experiencing nagging headaches of late without any explicable reasons, this could be the effect of overusing devices like cell phones, I pods etc. This is but the tip of the iceberg. According to many types of research on the impact of cell phone radiation brain health, it has been seen that 70% of the people exposed to the radiation experienced changes in their brain waves. This is something to worry about. In fact, the link between excessive exposure to cell phones has been strongly linked with the development of Alzheimer’s Disease.3- Obesity chances
4-Electronic device implicated in disruptive mood swing disorder
This behavioral problem is characterized by constant irritability in children and adolescents aged 6 -18 years. Some children who spend inordinate amounts of time with electronic gadgets are found to be prone to this condition. They remain irritated with adults as well as other children for no apparent reason. They often have angry outbursts for frivolous reasons, their reaction always disproportionate to the issue at hand.The temper outbursts of children with DMDD are similar to the temper tantrums commonly seen in children younger than 6 years, but much more severe in duration and intensity. It was earlier referred to as childhood bipolar disorder because of its parallel with this psychological disorder occurring in older adults. About 2-5 percent of children are estimated to be having this condition.
5-Excessive Stress, Depression and Sleep Disorders
Usage of electronic devices and gadgets have been named for causing severe cardiovascular stress and sleeping disorders mostly insomnia. Night time exposure to blue light can suppress melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep. When melatonin is suppressed, your sleep cycle becomes irregular. Depression is just one of the mental health risks associated with irregularity in sleep.6-Electronic may lead Infidelity
Leads To Infidelity Using Electronic device especially cellphone for many hours in the day can decrease the production of sperms in a man. This is one of the negative effects of using the gadget and making many people childless.7-Mobile phones and social media drive obsessive-compulsive behavior disorder
Performing repetitive actions out of compulsion are typical of obsessive-compulsive disorder, a debilitating mental disorder. Repeated hand washing, checking doors and rearranging things are some of the common compulsive actions. New compulsions brought about by electronic devices, such as constant checking of messages texting, and social media, now add to the list.Brain scans have revealed grey matter atrophy (brain degeneration) resulting from gaming and Internet addiction to occur in the frontal lobe of the brain. It is interesting to note that this is the area of the brain that governs planning and impulse control. Could this be just a coincidence again?
8-Back Pain
9- Risk During Pregnancy
One of the negative effects of electronic on your health is during pregnancy. The radiation from the gadget slows down the rate of brain development of the fetus and may even lead to hyperactivity.10- Children development effect by electronic devices
Children who play violent games, for a long period of time, tend to be more aggressive. Such kids are more prone to confront their teachers, peers, and relatives. Children who play violent games, for a long period of time, tend to be more aggressive. Such kids are more prone to confront their teachers, peers, and relatives.11- Electronic devices Kills Social Life

Even Children start playing with mobile gadgets, Play station, X-box and all in place of going out and play.
12-Radiation of Electronics effects Heart health and Pace Maker
Keeping electronic devices like cell phones close to your body for long hours, like in the pockets of your shirt or pants, the radiation may affect your heart in infinitely different ways. Cell phones interfere directly with the functioning of pacemakers which is a reason good enough to be warned about the negative effects of the electronic device amply and take care about where and how you carry your device to reduce harmful effects.Read Here- 28 Amazing Healthcare gadgets