Best food which fight and help in the healing process of any kind depression and decrease the harmful effect of depression are-
Bananas contain tryptophan ( the same stuff that makes you sleepy after a dinner), a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, and serotonin helps make you feel relaxed, happy and in control. Sometimes banana works better than antidepressant medicine.
While the cheerful yellow flowers are practically a universal symbol of happiness, sunflower seeds are a great source of the amino acid phenylalanine which the body turns into the brain chemical norepinephrine—your own natural antidepressant.
As long as you don’t have an allergy, nuts are practically the perfect mood-boosting snack. Their protein gives you energy, vitamin E helps combat stress, and the omega-3 fats they contain, in high doses, have been used clinically to treat depression.
Hey, there’s a reason we crave chocolate when we’re feeling blue, and it’s called anandamide, a neurotransmitter in the brain that’s known to make us feel happier. But not all chocolate is created equal. Go for the best quality and darkest organic chocolate you can find to get the most benefits.

Avocados are power foods because, again, they contain healthy fat that your brain needs in order to run smoothly. Three-fourths of the calories of an avocado is from fat, mostly monosaturated fat, in the form of oleic acid. An average avocado also contains 4 grams of protein, higher than other fruits, and is filled with vitamin K, different kinds of vitamin B (B-9, B-6, and B-5), vitamin C, and vitamin E-12. Finally, they are low in sugar and high in dietary fiber, containing about 11 grams each. Eat a whole avocado every day as a salad with lunch or dinner for its great benefits.
Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries are some of the highest antioxidant foods available to us. I try to have a variety for breakfast in the morning. In a study published in the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, patients were treated for two years with antioxidants or placebos. After two years those who were treated with antioxidants had a significantly lower depression score. They are like DNA repairmen. They go around fixing your cells and preventing them from getting cancer and other illnesses.
An apple a day could — if eaten with the rest of these foods — keep the psychiatrist away. Like berries, apples are high in antioxidants, which can help to prevent and repair oxidation damage and inflammation on the cellular level. They are also full of soluble fiber, which balances blood sugar swings. A snack I have grown to love is almond butter on apple slices. I get my omega-3 fatty acid along with some fiber. apple is very good for overall health.
Dark Leafy Greens
If you were to choose the healthiest food of all, the most nutrient-dense item available to us to eat, it would be dark, leafy greens, no contest. Spinach. Kale. Swiss chard. Greens are the first of the G-BOMBS (Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, Seeds) that Dr. Fuhrman describes in his book The End of Dieting, - the foods with the most powerful immune-boosting and anticancer effect.
For snack use mix of your favorite nuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, banana chips and dark chocolate chips. Just a small handful will give you an energy boost and a dose of all that good stuff to help improve your mood.