If you're depressed, it might not be easy to figure out why. In most cases, depression doesn't have a single cause. Instead, it results from a mix of things -- your genes, events in your past, your current circumstances, and other risk factors.
1- Genetics
Researchers know that if depression runs in your family, you have a higher chance of becoming depressed. If one of your parents ever has depression in his life, you may feel depressed.
Gender. Women are about twice as likely as men to become depressed. No one's sure why. The hormonal changes that women go through at different times of their lives may be a factor.
2- Age
People who are elderly are at higher risk of depression. That can be compounded by other factors, such as living alone and having a lack of social support.
Imbalance hormones. Imbalance hormone-like low vitamin D or hypothyroidism or imbalance cortisol or also may be one of the reasons for depression. If your hormones are disturbed, you are at greater risk of depression. Treat Depression Naturally
3- Health conditions
Conditions such as cancer, heart disease, thyroid problems, chronic pain, and many others raise your risk of becoming depressed.
Trauma and grief. Trauma such as violence or physical or emotional abuse -- whether it's early in life or more recent -- can trigger depression in people who are biologically vulnerable to it. Grief after the death of a friend or loved one is a normal emotion, but like all forms of loss, it can sometimes lead to clinical depression. Treat Depression Naturally
4- Changes and stressful events
It's not surprising that people might feel sad or down during stressful times -- such as during a divorce or while caring for a sick relative. Yet even positive changes -- like getting married or starting a new job -- can sometimes trigger a clinical depressive syndrome that is more than just normal sadness.5- Medications and substances
Many prescription drugs can cause symptoms of depression. Alcohol or substance abuse is common in depressed people. It often makes their condition worse by causing or worsening mood symptoms or interfering with the effects of medications prescribed to treat depression.
Some people have a clear sense of why they become depressed. Others don't. The most important thing to remember is that there doesn't need to be a "reason" to have clinical depression, and depression is not anyone's fault. It's not a flaw in your character. It's a disease that can affect anyone, and regardless of the cause, there are many good ways to treat depression.
Read- Treat Depression Naturally
Read- Treat Depression Naturally