This common thinking about healthy foods is false that " if a little of something is good for you, then a lot of it must be great" say doctors and too much of healthy food may have a dangerous effect on your health so please avoid 10 Foods in large amount like the plague if you eat too much of them.
10 Health Food is harmful in a large amount if you eat too much
Fish & Omega 3
Though fish contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids that help fight heart disease, and maybe even Alzheimer’s disease, it also contains heavy metal toxins such as mercury. When eaten regularly, these can remain in your system and can lead to serious health and cognitive problems, including heart disease and reduced memory and concentration, even might reduce the immune system’s activity which would reduce the body’s ability to fight infection. Those taking blood pressure medications need to be careful of fish oil supplements as they may cause the blood pressure to drop too sharply. Fish oil supplements are safe between 3 and 4g a day, say doctors. Make sure you don’t consume more than two to three time a week, says dietician, and try swapping out high mercury fishes with lower-mercury fish like salmon, sardines. (R)(R)Proteins
The body needs protein to repair and build muscle, but eating excessive amounts of protein may harm too. In fact, in a diet where the protein intake goes beyond 30 percent of the daily calorie intake, toxic ketones build up may happen in the body, that causes the pressure of hard work on kidneys to flush them out. This may lead to a significant loss of water and calcium from the body, causing dehydration and bone loss. Symptoms include a feeling of weakness, dry skin, bad breath, loss of hair, low appetite and nausea. In the long term, this may dangerous to the kidneys, stretch out the liver and put pressure on the heart.The harmful effect is that while making excess protein into carbs or fat, the body converts the proteins nitrogen into urea or uric acid. In large amounts, this can mess up your kidneys, lead to gout (a condition that causes your joints to become inflamed, tender and painful to move) and cause gallstones and kidney stones.
Be very careful with protein shakes and Protein bars. The body can process only about four to five grams of protein per hour so the 50 grams you got from that protein bar or shake will take about 10 hours to digest and absorb. Also, when you replace your meals with protein shakes, you run the risk of missing the vitamins and nutrients you get from real food.
Those who try to build muscles in a hurry by resorting to the unregulated use of protein shakes, meals and bars are risking their health.
Coffee is good for your health in moderation due to good antioxidant .drinking one or two cup of coffee can be good for your health, but too much coffee may harm and cause your nervous system functions to operate improperly. A daily dose of less than 500 mg of caffeine is considered safe. However, if you consume more than 600 mg of caffeine per day, this can be dangerous and depend on the individual, can cause symptoms like insomnia, irritability, stomach cramps, muscle tremors, heart palpitations and nervousness. (R)
A Liver is the nutritious part of animals. It is very rich in many essential nutrients, such as iron, B12, vitamin A, and copper. A portion of 100 gram of beef liver contains more than six times the recommended dietary intake of vitamin A, and 7 times the recommended dietary intake of copper. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it is stored in our bodies. Therefore, an excess may cause symptoms of vitamin A toxicity. Symptoms of this may include vision problems, bone pain and an increased risk of fractures, nausea and vomiting. Eating too much copper may cause danger to our health as copper toxicity. (R) This can lead to oxidative stress and neurodegenerative changes. For taking health benefit of nutritious value of Liver two time in a month is enough.Fiber
Fiber is found in many fruits and vegetables. Fiber prevents constipation and other gastric problems. But too much of fiber may be harmful too. Excess fiber often causes bloating, abdominal cramps and gases in the stomach even in long run, it can interfere with the absorption of minerals like iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, causing some serious deficiencies. A doctor says, Eating large amounts of vitamin A rich foods will not result in greater benefits for you. Though the body converts the beta-carotene into vitamin A, it absorbs only the amount it needs, leaving the rest to stay in the system that may create condition called carotenemia. Papaya also has a digestive enzyme called papain which has beneficial effects in moderation, but over-consumption can cause stomach discomfort, coughs, colds and wheezing says, Doctors. Papaya, orange and kiwi are rich sources of vitamin C, very high consumption of which can cause headaches, vomiting, bladder irritation and occasionally, kidney stones too. Too many apples may cause gas, bloating and diarrhea because of high fiber and sorbitol, and oranges and tomatoes can cause many harmful health effects such as stomach irritation due to their high acidic content, Dietician says.Water
Water is the most essential required ingredient in our body. But drinking too much water can increase the total blood volume and place an unnecessary burden on the heart and blood vessels. Symptoms of water intoxication include headaches, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination, and mental disorientation. Those may have problems who drink a lot of water quickly or drink water without sufficient electrolytes.We are unlikely to suffer from water intoxication even if we drink a lot of water, as long as we drink it over time rather than downing an enormous volume one time. As a general guideline, most adults need approximately 1.5 to 2 lt water every day.
Cinnamon is a widely-used, delicious spice in the whole world. It is high in antioxidants and has been shown to fight inflammation and lower blood sugar levels and reduce cholesterol. Eating cinnamon has also been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases. Cinnamon contains high amounts of a compound called coumarin, which may be harmful in large doses. Consuming more than the tolerable daily intake of coumarin that is 0.1 mg per kg of body weight may have an adverse effect on our health as may cause liver toxicity and cancer. (R)Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage sprouts, kale and broccoli, Brussels have many health benefits and are shown to reduce cholesterol, reduce the risk of cancer and provide healthy nutrient and minerals. However, eating too much of these vegetables harm you. There are compounds present in these vegetables called thiocyanates which can affect your body’s ability to absorb iodine. This can lead to a condition called hypothyroidism. Some immediate symptoms include weight gain, constipation, dry skin, low energy levels and an enlarged thyroid gland. If you are prone to having thyroid issues, consume moderate versus large amounts of these type of vegetables.
Spinach is considered healthiest food on the planet, Spinach contains all kinds of good nutrients. It has protein, fiber and is also high in lutein, which is a carotenoid that helps with age-related muscular degeneration. However, spinach also contains oxalate which can cause to form kidney stones in your body. If you have calcium oxalate kidney stones, you should avoid too much intake of spinach.
Coconut is coming on top of healthy foods and has great flavor, taste also. The popularity of coconut oil has a lot to do with new researchers of coconut oil health benefits and don’t have the cholesterol-raising, heart-damaging properties. Coconut oil is a great addition to any meal. While eating coconut oil can be perfectly healthy in moderation, but increasing your intake is just going to make you gain weight. It is, after all, a fat. Berkeley Wellness says none of the claims about weight loss or preventing Alzheimer’s disease have any merit, so treat it like butter or olive oil.
Conclusion: Healthiest Food is also may be dangerous or bad when overeating. Quantity really matters. As many dieticians advice- there is one rule for diets – eat in moderation and you will be in good health always and healthy foods never overeat.
Coconut oil

Conclusion: Healthiest Food is also may be dangerous or bad when overeating. Quantity really matters. As many dieticians advice- there is one rule for diets – eat in moderation and you will be in good health always and healthy foods never overeat.
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