Postpartum care is very important for mom to come back to her previous shape and health soon and be healthy to take care of a newly born baby.
Care after vaginal birth
Most women need some time after delivery to return to their normal activities. It's important to focus on your healing and on taking care of your body after delivery.
§ Use pads instead of tampons for the blood flow that may last as long as 2 weeks.
§ Ease cramps or afterpains with ibuprofen (such as Advil). If the doctor gave you a prescription medicine for pain, take it as prescribed.
§ If you have swelling or pain around the opening of your vagina, try using ice. You can put ice or a cold pack on the area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. Put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin.
§ Cleanse yourself with a gentle squeeze of warm water from a bottle instead of wiping with toilet paper.
§ Try sitting in a few inches of warm water (sitz bath) 3 times a day and after bowel movements.
§ Ease the soreness of hemorrhoids and the area between your vagina and rectum with ice compresses or witch hazel pads.
§ Ease constipation by drinking lots of fluid and eating high-fiber foods. Ask your doctor about over-the-counter stool softeners.
§ Wait until you are healed (about 4 to 6 weeks) before you have sexual intercourse. Your doctor will tell you when it is okay to have sex.
§ Do not rinse inside your vagina with fluids (douche).
Care after a C-section
If you had a C-section, you will need to take it easy while the incision heals and some extra care.
· Avoid strenuous activities, such as bicycle riding, jogging, weight lifting, and aerobic exercise, for 6 weeks or until your doctor says it is okay.
· Until your doctor says it is okay, don't lift anything heavier than your baby.
· You may have some vaginal bleeding. Wear pads. Do not use tampons until your doctor says it is okay.
· Hold a pillow over your incision when you cough or take deep breaths. This will support your belly and decrease your pain.
· You may shower as usual. Pat the incision dry when you are done.
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