Almost everyone wants to lose a few inches around their waist, but many people go about it in the wrong way. There are so many different things we accidentally do to sabotage our weight loss efforts, without even knowing it. Crash diets and quick fixes will not work, at least not permanently reducing belly fat.
Fat accumulates in the abdominal area more easily than any other parts of the body, and piling on extra weight in the stomach area is actually more unhealthy than in most other parts of the body. Avoid following habits for reducing belly fat from your routine and improve overall health, maintain weight loss, and lose the belly fat for good health and fitness.
Drinking Carbonated Drinks
Researchers have found that consuming just one or two cans of soda daily causes your waistline to increase at least five times faster than those who barely drink soda in the course of a week. The concept behind this is that the high amount of sugar used in sodas triggers food cravings, so you end up eating more than you should during and in between mealtimes. Diet sodas aren’t any better than regular varieties since these contain artificial sweeteners, which increase appetite as much as sugar does. So if you have that serious craving for a satisfying drink, opt for healthy smoothies, fresh fruit juices, or a glass of water with lemon or mint leaves. You’re doing your body and overall health a favor by choosing a more nutritious drink that’s also low in sugar content.
Eating Too Much Sugar
There is a strong connection between sugar consumption, insulin resistance, and the increase of belly fat. Since high blood sugar can lead to insulin resistance, it’s very important to limit too much sugar you consume. A 12-ounce soda may only have 140 calories but approximately 8 teaspoons of sugar. So again, here is another reason for cutting back on soda as well as processed foods when it comes to losing weight around your mid-section. Drink plenty of water and eat foods that are naturally sweet like fruit.
Consuming Low-Fat Foods
Some people assume that high-fat foods and drinks lead to more fat storage, yet the truth is, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and omega-3 fats are not bad for you. Foods such as avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, and seeds work well in eliminating belly fat. Be wary of low-fat foods, since manufacturers often add sugar or other bad for you ingredients to these items, which leads to storing more body fat.
Not Eating Enough Protein
Most popular diet plans available today include eating lots of lean protein, and this is because protein helps balance blood sugar levels while keeping the metabolism up. Protein will also keep you full longer, reducing the amount you’ll eat over the course of the day. Eating two eggs and even a little nitrate free bacon for breakfast is better for you than a bagel and helps keep you feeling full much longer throughout the day. Many nutritional experts agree that adding protein to the diet may be the single most important step for shedding fat. Include different types of wild caught fish & seafood, chicken breast, turkey, and even eggs. If you don’t want to eat too much meat, protein can also be found in cheese, beans, quinoa, and a variety of nuts. Even some veggies, such as peas and spinach offer
protein. If possible, try to eat at least some protein with every meal.
Eating when stressed can cause several problems when it comes to belly fat. For starters, we often eat more when we’re stressed and quickly lose track of just how much food we’ve stuffed in our mouths. But there is more to it than that. Hormones and stress can determine where those calories are stored in the body, and this is especially true for women. Being stressed can cause the hormone cortisol to increase which in turn increases belly fat, and it can make each fat cell get larger. Another good way to combat this response to stress is by drinking a glass of water, talking to a friend, or finding a new hobby you enjoy. Activities can distract you when you feel like indulging in doughnuts, chips and pizza. Exercise, as little as a brisk walk, can naturally help reduce stress and will help you burn a few extra calories! That is the main reason for belly fat.
Not Getting Enough Sleep
Not getting enough sleep each night can cause more problems than simply leaving you tired and groggy. Our bodies increase the hormone known as cortisol when we don’t get enough sleep, and a high cortisol level can increase appetite which makes it more likely to overeat the day after being sleep deprived. This process is similar to what happens when we eat because of stress. So always remember, getting a good night’s sleep (8/10 hours) is crucial to good health in many ways.
Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Another reason alcohol can cause weight gain is that when the liver is processing it, it’s not burning fat. Drinking alcohol can also stimulate the appetite, causing you to ingest even more calories. If you’re going to drink it’s best to stick with wine, which has been proven to have health benefits when drunk in moderation. It also generally has fewer calories than beer. If you can’t imagine not enjoying a cold brew, try some of the many great tasting light beers, and having a glass of water between drinks can limit how many alcoholic beverages you consume. If possible, you have to avoid alcohol. That's pretty better for you.
Lack of Exercise
While it’s possible to lose belly fat without exercise, it can be far slower, a lot more difficult, especially if you want to keep it off for good. Having strong, lean muscle helps the body burn fat and calories more efficiently. If you lose weight without exercising, you actually risk losing this lean body tissue which will ultimately slow your metabolism. Exercise should be done at a moderate level to achieve results, and a moderate level means you can carry on a conversation while breaking a sweat. Exercise should be carried out 3 to 5 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. Exercises that help target belly fat are doing cardio mixed with weight or resistance training is best, as a good cardio/weight routine helps to keep your metabolism fast.