Top 12 Calcium Rich Foods - Top Natural Healthcare

Top 12 Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium is needed for so much more than bone health befits, though. Eating calcium rich foods makes it possible for our body’s to achieve optimal nerve transmission, blood clotting, hormone secretion and muscle contraction.
Blood calcium is tightly controlled since it plays so many critical functions, including balancing your body’s acid/alkaline body and pH. The body will borrow calcium from the bones as needed.
Calcium deficiency symptoms can include:
Osteopenia or Osteoporosis
Tooth decay
Muscle tension
High blood pressure
In order for your body to absorb calcium your body also needs magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin K.  So food sources and complex food based supplements are preferred to isolated calcium supplements to meet your calcium needs.

Top Calcium Rich foods are-


Top 12 Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium content: 1 cup cooked, 62 mg, 6% DV
Broccoli cruciferous vegetable is rich in calcium and a host of other good-for-you nutrients like vitamins A, C, and B6. But that’s not all: Broccoli, one of the 30 Best Foods for 6-Pack Abs, contains a compound that works on a genetic level to effectively “switch off” cancer genes, leading to the targeted death of cancer cells and slowing of disease progression. In fact, one study found that men who ate three or more half-cup servings of broccoli per week had a 41 percent decreased risk of prostate cancer compared to men who ate fewer than one serving per week. Sounds like a convincing reason to add them to your diet, if you ask us!


Top 12 Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium content: 1 large, 68 mg, 7% DV
Sweet Patotoes root vegetable is a good source of calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and C. That’s a serious line up for such a simple spud. Instead of baking one in the oven, why not tap into your culinary creativity and use the spuds to make some homemade fries? (Who doesn’t love fries?!) After slicing the potato lengthwise into strips, top with coconut oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder, and pop them into the oven on 350 degrees F until they’re crispy. For more sweet potato preparation ideas, check out these Weight-Loss Secrets from Insanity Creator Shaun T. The veggie is among Shaun T’s favorites and his recipe ideas are really creative!


Top 12 Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium content: 1 large, 74 mg, 7% DV
Orange- citrus fruit is best known for its rich vitamin C content, one large orange also provides 74 milligrams of calcium. Enjoy the fruit solo as a snack, or pair some slices with spinach, slivered almonds, grilled chicken, shallots and a ginger dressing to create an Asian-style salad. For more salad ideas that will make your mouth water, check out these 20 Awesome Recipes for Mason Jar Salads!


Top 12 Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium content: 1 oz, 23 nuts, 76 mg, 7.6% DV
Eating almonds before heading to the gym can help the body burn more fat and carbs during workouts. The small but mighty nut is also a potent source of satiating protein and fiber and packed with monounsaturated fats that help lower bad cholesterol levels when eaten in moderation. Eat them solo as an easy on-the-go snack or pair with some 80% cacao dark chocolate (we like Green & Black’s Organic 85% Cacao Bar) and berries as a not-so-sinful dessert. They also make a great addition to yogurt parfaits and overnight oats.


12 Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium content: 1 cup, baked, 84 mg, 8.4% DV
Butternut squash reminds us of that annoying overachiever in high school that was captain of the football team and class valedictorian. Not only is this vibrant veggie packed with calcium and bloat-banishing potassium, but it’s also rich in carotenoids that fight heart disease, asthma, and arthritis and promote healthy vision. Basically, it has it all—so eat it! We like to roast cubes of it in the oven with olive oil and spices. It also fairs well in soup recipes.


12 Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium content: 3 oz, 116 mg, 11.6% DV
Rockfish, a genus of more than 100 mild tasting white fish species including ocean perch, redfish, and vermilion rockfish, is a surprising source of calcium your taste buds are sure to love. According to the Environmental Defence Fund, all rockfish have a low-to-moderate mercury content, which means you’ve got the green light to add the fish to your weekly lineup without fear. But beware: If it’s omega-3s that you’re after, this may not be the fish for you. Compared to wild salmon, rockfish only has a fraction of the heart-healthy fatty acids. 


12 Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium content: 1 cup, 134 mg, 13% DV
Kelp, a variety of sea vegetable, is commonly found in Asian dishes. A cup of the greens serves up 134 milligrams of calcium, in addition to a hefty dose of fiber and iodine—a mineral that helps maintain thyroid health. If you like making homemade smoothies and juice, substitute kelp for kale to reap the benefits. Big fan of miso soup? Throw some kelp into the broth to up its nutritional value.


12 Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium content: 1 tablespoon, 140 mg, 14% DV
One tablespoon of these crunchy seeds carry as much calcium as nearly a half-cup of milk! To reap the health benefits, take out your apron and spatula and whip up an Indian, Middle Eastern, or Japanese-inspired dish. Many popular vegetable, chicken, and noodle recipes within these genres call on the ingredient. Not feeling creative? Add this Sesame Noodles with Chicken recipe—one of the 35 Best-Ever Chicken Recipes for Weight Loss into your weekly lineup.


12 Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium content: 1 cup, 161 mg, 16% DV
White beans serve up not only a healthy dose of belly-filling fiber, muscle-building protein, and bloat-busting potassium but also a significant dose of calcium. Need another reason to add some to your plate? The musical fruit is rich in something called resistant starch, a nutrient that increases metabolism and helps promote fat oxidation and prevents long-term fat accumulation.


12 Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium content: 1/2 cup, canned,185 mg, 19% DV 
This lesser-known legume, made famous by the musical group that carries the same name, is filled with calcium, potassium, and folate, a nutrient that may help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis. Throw it into chilis, salad or your favorite soup.


12 Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium content: 1 cup, 98-334 mg, 10-33% DV 
Anyone who has ever gone out for sushi has likely munched on the boiled soybean appetizer edamame. This dish is a good source of calcium, fiber, and muscle-building protein. Big fan of edamame’s cousin, tofu? Although calcium content varies by brand, some varieties serve up to 33 percent of the day’s calcium in a single one-cup serving. Be sure to compare nutrition labels to ensure your go-to brand is a good pick for your bones.


Top 12 Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium content: 3 ounces, canned in oil with bones, 325 mg, 33% DV
Sardines aren’t many people’s favorite fish, they’re one of the best sources of dairy-free calcium out there (and one of these 30 Cheap Foods That Uncover Your Abs)—if you can stomach them. Look for varieties canned with the bones, which are soft and completely edible. Sorry, that’s non-negotiable. The bones are where all the calcium comes from; so, in this case, you need to eat the bones to better yours. So, while it may seem hard to swallow, this is the variety you’ve got to consume if you want to reap the benefits. Toss the fish into a bed of leafy greens with tomato, cucumber, olives, feta and red wine vinegar. The combo makes for a tasty, Mediterranean-inspired dish.